Thursday, November 9, 2023

Blessed Are The Peacemakers, For They Will Be Called Children of God

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. 
The Bible at Isaiah 9:6 tells us that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace.” He is Peace. He came to earth not only to bring His peace but to guide others into the peace of His light. (Luke 1:79) In His resurrected self, Jesus commands peace upon His followers. (John 20:19, 21, 26) The kind of peace Jesus wants of us and for us is not a superficial peace – one of quiet, pleasant moments. He wants us to have a “shalom peace”Shalom, which is an English rendering of the Hebrew word for šālōm, means peace, plus harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility. The shalom peace of Jesus is all of those things: a peace that has the character of harmony – an absence of destructive conflict, a mind and heart set on unifying others; it is a radiating calmness of spirit that senses God’s presence (remember when Jesus used to seek out a place where He could be alone to pray to the Father?); it is a wholeness of a pure hearthaving the mind of Christ, and a growing faith in Christ; it is a complete knowledge and confidence within our soul that we are children of the Most High, who lavishes us with the richness of His grace; it means to know that God will supply all our needs; it is a lack of worry because God is in control; it means that we find true completeness in God our Savior and Father; it is an assurance that God will not leave nor forsake us; it is true joy and gratitude that nothing can come to us without passing through the filter of God, who loves us beyond our imagination or dream. True peace is an outgrowth of obedience to Christ. This deep-seated shalom peace is characterized by patience and mercy, it is a shalom that cannot happen apart from Christ. (John 15:5) Peace emanates from a pure heart. We are to imitate the Lord and develop a spirit of peace as Christ followers – becoming peacemakers. Our influence must be one that gives off a “fragrance” of peace to whomever we encounter. Jesus’ Gospel of peace compels us to become persons who make peace and seek peaceful relationships with others in Godly agapé love. The Prince of Peace would have us choose our words and actions wisely; to “sprinkle them with salt” and to become “salt.” Salt on food and in food enhances the pleasing taste of the food, makes it a delight in our mouth. Thus, our words are to be so seasoned, to be agreeable, to encourage peace, not provoking anger or be insulting and dismissive. As peacemakers who are “salt” and “light” we are not to seek revenge but reconciliation.

  But know this because people sometimes get this confused:  There is “peace with God” and the “peace of God”, and they are two different things. Peace with God requires our confession and acknowledgement to God of our rejection of His Son, Jesus Christ, bowing before God in complete repentance from that sin and sins that derive from that rejection, in response to the Spirit’s call, and then receiving God’s forgiveness based on the sacrificial Blood of Christ; in so surrendering ourselves to God, He places within us, “indwells” us, with God the Holy Spirit (aka Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ). One of the hallmarks of the Holy Spirit is His character, of which peace is a perfect attribute; He strives (sometimes has to struggle so to speak) to impute that character attribute through the sanctifying work He performs. The fullness of Himself indwelling us seals us for salvation. We become the ”sons” or heirs – joint heirs with Christ; God adopts us into His eternal family, where we can then have the peace of God by virtue of His Spirit in us and working in us, and can enjoy, even hold most sacred, our full access to the Father. At our adoption into the eternal family, we become the “sons” of God whose brother is Peace. True children reflect their Father, our God of peace, by willingly choosing to be peaceful with others and sharing that peace. As peacemakers, we speak peace by the Holy Spirit, forgiving others freely, and touching the hearts of those who have yet to become a believer. (more scripture support: Colossians 1:203:15Matthew 5:23-24Romans 5:1-2; John 16:331 Corinthians 14:33) As adopted children of God, our brother is Peace.

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·       At worship services, when we share the “peace” with each other, do you know why that is a part of the service? (hint: it’s not just a greeting!) (some Christian denominations do this activity as part of the worship service - usually before The Great Thanksgiving, also known as Holy Communion or The Lord's Supper)

·       Why do you think that “peace with God” must happen before we can have the “peace of God?”

·       Would you describe yourself as a peacemaker within your family, at church, within your circle of friends or classmatesWhy or why not?

·       If your answer to the bullet above this one is “Yes”, how would you explain to someone what it means to be a peacemaker?


 Bonus: Let There Be Peace on Earth  -- featuring Boys Choir of Harlem; "I Speak Jesus" - Charity Gayle, Steve Musso